This update adds the following... 1. I have now setup the basics for adding in your own custom skins for the helicopters. At the moment the only helicopter setup is the Mi-24D as it is quite a complex process. You will find a new set of folders here... /GameInstallLocation/StreamingAssets/Helicopter Skins inside the "Mi-24D Hind" you will find the following files... [list] [*] 1. Licence and Guide text document. [*] This document details what you can and can't do with the files I've given you. It also details how you need to name the image files for them to work with that helicopter. Each helicopter is different and may need 1 or more image files to work correctly so make sure you read this before getting started. [*] 2. An .fbx file which contains a basic 3d model together with all the correct UV mapping. You can load this into Blender (or any other texturing software) and paint directly onto the model. [*] 3. Two .png files which correspond to the DEFAULT SKIN & FOREST CAMMO skin. [/list] You can edit the .png files directly via something like Photoshop however not all are laid out as neatly as the Hind (which is why I chose it as the 1st helicopter to do custom skins!). When you've created your new skin, save it into the correct helicopter's folder using the naming convention detailed in the Licence and Guide document for that helicopter. When you load into a mission and select the Mi-24D as your (or Wingman's helicopter) you will see some new buttons under the Flight Name display which will cycle through the available skins. 2. Fixed the weird glass issue on the Hind's pilot door. Was actually a missing door texture. 3. Fixed another slight misalignment of the gear bay doors which was only really visible when viewed from direction below. 4. Reduced the Hind's hitpoints a little. I thought it was a little over powered when I took a 4th Strela and was still flying ok! 5. Adjusted the water bouyancy positions so the Hind should now react to water better. 6. Fixed a bug which would reset the weapons loadout on the Hind when switching to the Mission Planning screen. 6. Zooming to cockpit MFDs should now work in the Hind correctly. 7. When the main rotor or tail rotor of the Hind is destroyed the corresponding 3D model should now disappear correctly.