This update adds the following.... 1. Initial version of the "Installation" system that will place civilian settlements around the map. There only a small number of different installations but each one is totally randomised in what can appear. Enemy units can also take up positions in settlements so becareful when flying near them when in enemy territory! Installations are only available on the LUSH DESERT scenario currently. The generator is set to place quite a lot of settlements currently - especially in the REDFOR zone so you may find air defences are a little more dense than before. This system also allows mission generators to "talk" to it so very shortly the mission generators will be aware of what and where these installations are and will be able to use them in missions ːsteamsunnyː 2. Reprocessed the Lush Desert terrain as some of the colliders seemed to be slightly out. 3. Re-aligned some of the roads on the Lush Desert terrain 4. Adjusted the fog effect on the Lush Desert area to be a little more realistic. You should get a much better feeling of distance now.