This update adds the following... 1. Updates the infantry A.I. so they can now engage in infantry vs infantry combat. 2. Fixed a bug which prevented the infantry from carrying on with their orders after combat 3. Upgraded the infantry detector system so that they now use the same "VTR" (Visual, Thermal, Radar) system as all other vehicles. Their vision is now categorised as "Eyeball Mk1"! 4. Infantry can no longer be shot at while inside a vehicle 5. Infantry can no longer engage units when inside a vehicle 6. You can now close the Command Menu by pressing "Command Menu Back" when at the root of the tree. 7. Updated the wheel physics on the Apache as the wheels were set at 500kg in weight! While this doesn't make any difference to take off weight it may have been the cause for some odd behaviour when landing. 8. Updated the wheel brakes system so that it works correctly no mater whether it receives an input of +1 or -1 and the axis/button assigned to it. [u]Known Bugs[/u] 1. Infantry will currently [b]not use[/b] MANPADS. Should have that fixed tomorrow.