This update adds the following... 1. Infantry now move again. I managed to track down the bug that was causing the FPS drops and everything is now working again correctly. 2. Updated the fuel usage for all helicopters using the following approximation equation.... (Fuel Capacity / (Max Range/Max Speed)) / 60 / 60 Most helicopters have got at least a doubling of their range - sometimes more. The only one to get a range reduction is the Harrier which actually makes sense seeing as it would nearly always be fitted with external drop tanks. 3. GUV-8700 ammunition has now been optimised for use against infantry dealing a bigger blast radius as well as having a slightly higher spread for the bullets. Optimum range is now around 1,500 - 2,000m as that is where the bullets will converge. 4. Improved the special effects for when bullets hit things! 5. Adjusted the bloom effect in the Targeting Pod camera. It's still using the old system so the effects do look slightly different than the main camera. 6. Fixed a bug on the Mi-24VP where the IR rotor blades would be visible in the main camera as they started to spin up. 7. Removed some log spam