This update adds the following... 1. Separated mouse look and joypad look speed options so you can set them independantly from each other in the Control Settings menu under Camera Control 2. Control inputs are no longer sent to the game if the window loses focus i.e. if you switch to another application. 3. Pulling up the main menu mid-mission will now prevent the main camera from rotating. However, if you simply pause the game then camera rotation will still work allowing you to move the camera for screen shots etc. 4. Added in a combined Targeting Pod & TSD/Radar cursor control in the Control Bindings under Weapons & Targeting. This allows you to control the Targeting Pod or TSD/Radar cursor with a single axis (or buttons) depending on which MFD screen currently has focus. 5. Added in a combined Targeting Pod & TSD/Radar Lock button which allows you to lock either the targeting pod or radar/tsd depending on which MFD screen currently has focus. 6. Got rid of some old code and log spam which might gain a few fps