infantry Beta Update
Author: Jimmy Arcade,
published 10 months ago,
This update adds the following...
1. In the Control Settings menu there is now a drop down with 4 different presets for the flight model. They should be fairly obvious what they do. Setting the drop down to "Custom" will allow you to tweak the various sliders as you see fit.
Changing the flight model is also possible mid-mission so feel free to try them all out till you find one to your liking!
2. Soldiers are now damaged by blastzones correctly and can be sent flying by artillery shells!
3. All weapons have had their blastzones adjusted so that they damage infantry as you'd expect.
4. Added a bindable button for toggling the parking brakes directly.
5. Added a heat blur effect to the engine exhausts on all helicopters. This is something I've been wanting to do for a while but could never get it to work properly. Happy to say it now works as I wanted it to.
Heat blur is more visible at slow/hover speeds. As you get faster the heat blur effect will get less simulating the faster air flow. At around 90kts you probably won't be able to see it anymore.
6. Rebalanced all tail rotors so that helicopters, when at hover speeds, now rotate in a fairly flat plane rather than banking and destabilising the hover.
When in forward motion you will still see some banking - this it true to life and is a secondary effect of rudder/tail rotors control surfaces.