Infantry Beta Update
Author: Jimmy Arcade,
published 10 months ago,
This update adds the following...
1. 10% chance for infantry units to have a MANPAD
2. MANPAD infantry units are equipped with Strela-2 missiles. Each unit carries 2 missiles and there can currently only be one MANPAD per infantry team.
Strela-2 missiles can lock on to you if you are within 2km, they are fairly low powered so an Apache can probably take 2 and still fly. The biggest danger is the short range at which they are fired gives flares very little time to spoof them and even if spoofed they may still explode close enough to do damage.
Their fire rate is low though taking 10-15 seconds for them to acquire you and launch plus 45 seconds to reload.
3. Flight Model tweaks! I've added some more flight model settings in the Control Settings menu....
[*] Helicopter Rotational Stability (previous named stability option) - this effects how much force is required to rotate the helicopter in any direction. It helps damp down sensitive controls and also reduces lively flight models such as the Viper! Essentially the helicopter will try to resist any rotational forces.
Excessive values can make the primary controls sluggish and unresponsive. This can be corrected by increasing the relevant Cyclic X, Cyclic Y and Tail Rotor power settings.
This setting currently also effects the spining effect applied when losing the tail rotor due to damage (I will fix that shortly)
[*] Rotor Disc Brake Force Multiplier - this effects how braking force (or drag) is generated by the rotor disc when at positive angles of attack (pitching up). Essentially it slows the helicopter down faster when pulling back on the cyclic.
High values can also effect the helicopter's ability to maintain speed in a high-g turns.
Extreme values may make the helicopter reluctant to lose altitude when hovering.
[*] Rotor Disc Angle of Attack Lift - this adjusts the lift generated by the rotor disc when at positive angles of attack (pitching up). It can make the helicopters feel more nimble and responsive to desired altitude changes when flying at higher speeds much like fixed wing aircraft.
[*] Forward Motion Lift Force Multiplier - this adjusts the lift generated by the rotor disc as well as any other flight surfaces such as wings. This makes the helicopters require less collective when flying forward at speed. Extreme values may cause unwanted effects such as constant climbing or requiring excessive downwards nose pitch.
[*] Low Speed Drag Multiplier - this setting increases the overall drag of the aircraft as it reaches speeds lower than 20m/a (aprrox 38kts). Below this speed the drag will increase helping to slow the helicopter down, smoothing out response to collective input changes, reducing side way slip, smoothing ground effect forces and generally making the helicopter want move into a stable hover position.
High values will make the helicopter want to remain in a hover state so more aggressive nose down pitching will be required to transition into forward flight.
Excessive values may make it very difficult for some helicopters to gain forward speed resulting in unrealistic nose down pitching!!
4. I've also rebalanced the helicopter's tail rotors so they are less likely to roll the helicopter as well as rotate it!