This update adds 3 distinct Gazelle versions... 1. SA-341B - Can carry 4 x TOW missiles plus either the new SNEB rocket launcher or the 20mm canon pod. Marginally more powerful engine than previously. 2. SA-342L - Can carry 6 x HOT or TOW missiles plus the SNEB rockets and 20mm cannon. Improve engine over the 341B 3. SA-349 - Gets access to both HOT & Laser Hellfire missiles plus the SNEB rockets and has wing tip stations for Stingers (when they arrive) but loses the 20mm canon capability. Improved engine over 342L allowing it to comfortably carry 6 x hellfires. [u]Other Updates[/u] 1. Rockets are now effected by gravity correctly. The targeting sight does not take this into consideration at the moment. 2. Canons now visibly eject empty casings 3. 20mm canon's fire rate is now correct when using a twin canon loadout. 4. Gunsights now default to a 1000m range when aiming above the horizon which stops them going out of alignment and will allow you to engage aerial targets (when they arrive). 5. Rocket explosions will now damage multiple targets in a 25m radius of the blast. 6. Inverted mouse view control fixed. 7. Joystick view control and speed sliders now work correctly. [u]Christmas Break[/u] Unless any major issues are found I shall be moving this BETA into the live branch. This will then form the last major content update before the Christmas break as I shall be away from my development machine during that time. However, lots of exciting things in development... 1. Front lines - this will show where the front line of the conflict currently falls for the mission. The mission generator will then place enemy and allied forces along that line to simulate an active conflict. You will then have the added challenge of finding a way through the front line to get to your targets and this should eliminate the boring initial travel part of the missions. 2. Civilian and Military Installations - These will be placed around the map by the mission generator and major towns/villages will marked on your map giving you some points of reference. Again, this will increase the need for proper mission planning so that you don't accidentally fly over an enemy base! 3. More support units. The new year should see the first of the airborne support assets for both allied and enemy forces. Expect A-10s and Frogfoots :D 4. More mission templates. Now that the Gazelle is working and has a usable cargo hold I shall be making some cargo transport missions as well as adding some more templates to the existing missions categories. 5. Lynx helicopter - this will be the next flyable helicopter providing a mix between tank destroyer and transport helicopter. 6. Hind helicopter - this will initially be developed as an A.I. piloted enemy helicopter and will later be opened up as a flyable helicopter. 7. Once the A.I. Hind is operational then this will pave the way for allied wingmen...