This update adds in the new Hi-Def Tow 2 missile and its XM65 launcher. [img][/img] In addition I have also modified the way the TOW is launched to more closely replicate the real world version. Essentially it is a 2 stage launch with an initial charge propelling the missile out of the launcher then, approximately 0.5 seconds later, the main rocket motor ignites accelerating the missile towards its target. All TOW launchers are now inclined at 5 degrees to assist the initial launch and it is more important than ever to use the launch reticule to ensure your target is within flight parameters. Minimum launch altitude is about 15m anything less and the missile may not recover lost altitude but it is also dependant on range to target and the target's relative height to your helicopter. [u]Other Updates[/u] 1. I've tweaked the Combat Lynx's loadout as the Hydra 70 rocket pod was too big for the inner pylons and could cause it to bounce around on the helipad. Instead the inner pylons get SNEBs and the outer pylons SNEBs or HYDRAs 2. Modified the 3rd person camera pivot positions so that the camera's rotate round the helicopters better. 3. Improved the resolution of the targeting cameras centre "+" marker.