Fixed Wing Beta Update
Author: Jimmy Arcade,
published 7 months ago,
This update adds the following...
1. Fixed the elusive "No Collective" bug which.
2. Added manual vector control for the Harrier. You will need to assign joystick (or keyboard) controls to the new "Thrust Vector" control under "Aircraft Controls".
For Joypad users you can change the "Collective" (left stick up/down) into "Thrust Vector" mode by holding "Modifier 1" (left bumper).
3. Joypad users can now access an analgue trim system by holding "Modifier 2" (right bumper) which will switch the "Collective" (left stick up/down) into "Trim" mode.
4. Improved wingtip contrails.
5. Heat blue for the Harrier now follows the nozzle direction.
6. Added a new information display above the "TRIM" setting that will show you your current "NOZZ" (nozzle) angle.
7. Fixed HE blast zone damage calculations so damage is now applied correctly. This will improve the effectivness of pretty much every weapon!
8. CAS support aircraft will now attack from a slightly higher altitude which should help their shot grouping.