[h1]New Level[/h1] Intrepid explorers have discovered a new location in the Dunes of Eternity: The Whispering Expanse. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44974750/2c80cb0c07ab2f83902d14a9aa6d19f118461a4a.png[/img] [h1]New Relics[/h1] Intrepid explorers have discovered some new relics: [list] [*] Cthulhu's Tendril: Increases your max grapple distance. [*] Lightbender's Prism: Makes you more difficult to see. [/list] [h1]Game Changers[/h1] Game Changers are new options that, well, change the game - Exploding corpses, exploding grapples, and probably some others that don't involve explosions. Let me know what you think or if you have ideas for new game changers you'd like to see! [h1]Updates[/h1] [list] [*] Adding Game Changers in the Match Options menu: Exploding corpses, coinsplosion corpses, exploding grapples, and number of relics to start with. [*] Adding an option to increase/decrease the max grapple length. [*] Adding a special heart sprite for the Lifeblood Gem relic and making the player lose that heart when it's removed. [*] Reordering levels based on difficulty so it's more intuitive for new players. [*] Reduced turret traps' danger level across basically all aspects (Though watch out, they still remain one of the more dangerous traps!). [*] Making coin runes create a small coinsplosion when hit (In addition to making all existing coins fall). [*] Making the dart trap laser line alpha in over time to make it more clear what's happening and that the "laser" isn't dangerous by itself. [*] Making dart traps start on cooldown. [*] Adding a crown on the UI for the player(s) in the lead. [*] Fixing a bug where the explosive rune's damage zone would linger even when the sprite looked like it should no longer deal damage. [*] Changing the color of the plant turret head based on the player that spawned it and removing the outline shader from it. [*] Updating the dead body/bear trap interaction to seem more intentional and less like a bug. [*] Updating the collision shape and size on runes to make them easier to hit. [*] Adding an effect to portals to help keep track of the character that's teleporting. [*] Making crumble platforms shake a big when crumbling to make them more noticeable. [*] Making the boulder warning icon (Option) show up on first boulder drop. Previously, the first instance was skipped. [*] Making the match UI display while on the pause menu. [*] Updating controller button sprites. [*] Updating character select buttons to display input using the controller the player is using. [*] Adding held scroll functionality to the Options menu. [*] Automatically pausing the game if a controller is unplugged during a match. [*] Fixing a bug where the readable font was drawing at the wrong position. [*] Potentially fixing an issue where rumble could get stuck on. [/list]