Hey everyone, We are releasing a small patch today. The entire change log is as follows:[list] [*] Fixed duplicated Motors, Winches and Hydraulics being able to be activated by any player on the server [*] Fixed Lua errors when making 0 width ropes [*] Do not allow to use the "Drive" property on entities that are already being driven, to prevent players getting stuck in invalid state [*] Fixed some entities having improper color/material in dupe icon preview, such as the Fog/Sky/Sun editors [*] Fixed entering a chair causing everything to disappear for a bit [*] Fixes to crashes/missing textures/error models when changing maps/servers/etc. [/list] [list] [*] TTT: add a player mic volume slider to the scoreboard (Community Contribution) [*] TTT: fix table.Shuffle (Community Contribution) [*] TTT: fix propspec_allow_named setting not taking effect (Community Contribution) [/list] [list] [*] Fixed a server crash when NPC is trying to holster a weapon_frag [*] Fixed a server crash when item_ammo_crate is given an invalid ammo type [*] Fixed a server crash when an npc_fastzombie tries to attack a non player entity [*] ent_remove* no longer allows removal of the world entity [*] ent_remove_all no longer can delete players [*] Fixed "DownloadingFile" javascript function not being fired for Fast/ServerDL due to changes in last update [*] Display a console message when ServerDL fails to download something [*] Reset entity FXBlend cache when the current view changes during a frame, fixes point_camera messing up entity fade distances [*] Player.ConCommand's queue clientside should now show addon name when running blocked concommands [*] Added more debug info to "Invalid HitboxSet on something" warning [*] Fixed func_movelinear regression with the SetSpeed input when called with speed of 0[/list] [list][*] Added util.MD5/SHA1/SHA256 - all take a single string, and return a hex string [*] Added IsConCommandBlocked [*] Added crash/infinite loop safeguards to Entity.SetMoveParent: Unlink self from previous parent, do not allow to parent to yourself, check for cyclic parents [*] Limited util.JSONToTable depth to 5000 (should be more than enough for any legitimate uses) to avoid stack overflows [*] Apply stack overflow protection to util.TableToJSON [*] Experimental "network to clients" option for Entity.ManipulateBoneAngles/Position (3rd argument, defaults to true) [*] Added a second argument to util.GetModelMeshes - a table of tables where IDs are boneIds and contain a table of 2 keys: matrix and parentID [*] Let's try an Entity.Set/GetColor change - Make C++ return/take 4 numbers, and make a Lua override that takes/returns color objects instead - should be ~2x faster and GetColor now returns the proper color object [*] duplicator library now properly copies Lua-set color and material override, not just the Sandbox tool ones [*] Fixed net library not resetting its internal variables on level change [*] Entity.PhysicsFromMesh can now also accept just a list of vectors [*] Fixed errors from GetInt() when text entry contents aren't numeric (Community Contribution) Added xalign and yalign arguments to draw.WordBox (Community Contribution) [/list] Servers are recommended to update at earliest convenience, especially if they were affected by one or more issues mentioned above.