Hey everyone, We are releasing another small patch today. Biggest change with this update is the addition of Steam's Chat Filtering feature to the default in-game chat. This filter can be disabled in-game via a check box in the chat's Filters section: [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//742793/11e678831f5ab2605b446211cdd29a9435c089f7.png[/img] The filter also obeys your Steam preferences for chat filtering as seen here: [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//742793/c1986950601f863b89cb370bdf6300bfde183a0d.png[/img] The entire change log is as follows:[list] [*]Prisoner pod and chair vehicles now react to damage physically, driver takes explosion damage, calls GM:EntityTakeDamage hook [*]Fixed GM:PlayerAmmoChanged reporting incorrect new ammo count when called from Player:GiveAmmo [*]Spawnmenu search now resets its model cache when addons/games are remounted [*]Potential fix for crash relating to env_microphone's measure target entity [*]Reduce Faceposer tool's convar count to 96 (from 128) to match the actual limit in the engine [*]Fixed GMODLUA_GetUserType leaking onto the Lua stack (this only affects binary modules and the type() function, when using custom userdata types) [*]surface.DrawLine now uses floats not integers [*]Fixed a stack overflow with DListView and columns inserted at specific positions [*]Fixes a server crash with no collide constraint. [*]Fixed DTextEntry's automatic line breaks causing an infinite loop hang with specially formatted text containing a lot of whitespace [*]Potential fix for a crash within CFontTextureRegen [*]Add OS specific errors to binary module loading errors [*]Make it more clear that changing sbox_persist while in-game will cleanup the map [*]"Stop Persisting" property will now also be hidden when persistence is disabled [*]Do not clean up map when disabling persistence [*]Fixed changing persistence in-game saving to the wrong file if the cvar changed too quickly within the 2 second timer [*]Downgrade Steamworks SDK to 1.50 as the newer version was causing issues [*]Fixed 2 server lag exploits with default properties [*]Fixed "join game" not showing up in Steam for P2P games after a changelevel [*]Implement Steam chat filter to the default chat box (profanity filter is toggleable in the Filters section of the default chatbox, Steam preferences apply) [*]Added string = util.FilterText( input, context, player ) [*]Added TEXT_FILTER_ enums [*]Added safeguards to DownloadUGC when Steam sends us a null SteamUGCQueryCompleted_t [*]Disabling hoverballs now adjusts their mass so they are not abnormally heavy when disabled, improved duplicator support for the disabled state [/list] As usual servers are recommended to update at earliest convenience, especially if they were affected by one or more issues mentioned above.