[h1]Robotic Arm SMART and Transport Conduit Update[/h1] This update is related to the production, adding new elements like the Robotic Arm SMART and the Transport Conduit. [h1]Robotic Arm SMART[/h1] The New Robotic Arm SMART is the best solution to optimize and increase the production of the base. The player can put different products in the same conveyor belt line and each Robotic Arm SMART will pick up only the product that has been chosen in the config. [img]http://i.imgur.com/cojk03f.jpg[/img] Optimization is the new goal for the player, because the base has a limit of number of products at the same time, so the player has to keep a low number of materials over the conveyor belts. The first best option is using Transport Conduit, the second step is using chests to keep the materials and the third step is using Robotic Arms SMART in the same conveyor belts line. [img]http://i.imgur.com/ocASzlz.jpg[/img] The Setup of the Robotic Arm SMART is really easy, the player has only to select the Robotic Arm and press the Use key, A new info inside the inventory will appear and the player could configure the parameters, like the product that the robotic arm can pick up or the maximum angle of movement. [img]http://i.imgur.com/gkwfbkt.jpg[/img] [h1]Transport Conduit[/h1] [img]http://i.imgur.com/GAyvetI.jpg[/img] The Transport Conduit is the best solution to avoid the long lines of conveyor belts. it is faster and keep the number of products low. [h1]The list of Updates and Fixes:[/h1] [list] [*]Added Transport Conduit. Now you can replace you long conveyor belt lines to a line of transport conduits. With this change the products will travel faster, safer and it will allow the player to have the number of products at the same time in a normal situation. [*]Added Robotic Arm SMART. In this configurable robotic arm, the player can choose which product will pick up the robotic arm and the maximum angle of rotation. [*]The Robotic Arms will not get products from machines or chest until the number of objects at the same time is less than 100. [*]Added High Speed Hydraulic Press. This new Hydraulic Press will increase your production of plates and gears. [*]Added Message: Asteroid hits object. [*]Added Message: Too many objects on conveyor belts. [*]Added Particle System to Asteroid, added new explosion particle system when the asteroid is destroyed. [*]Fixed Laboratory Screen of the Laboratory computer 3d model. [*]Fixed issue, Robotic arm gets the product from other Robotic arm when it hasn't finished the movement. [*]Fixed conveyor belt velocity when there are too many products over conveyor belts. [*]Fixed Stars Sky dome on the Pure Iron Planet. [*]Removed collision of mountains with Space Ship elements. [*]Removed plastic as requisite to build the Automatic Turret. [/list] Thank you for your support and patience.