[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/8109016/2c204780eaa6dab22beb5e96e738acc2f91de66b.jpg[/img] Hi, I've been working to improve the UI related to the crafting menu in order to do the search of each machine easier. Now is ready and I've just upload it. In this new update, I increased the space of the inventory menu so I could add a list of objects with images instead of the names. So now it is really easy search for a machine in the craft menu. I think is not necessary to use the filters but I prefer let them it. If the UI needs more improvements in other aspects please share your ideas. I fixed the not enough fuel bug, that happens at the beginning when the player select the first planet for the first time. [h1]List of fixes:[/h1] [list] [*]Improved Crafting UI. [*]Fixed Bug not enough fuel at the beginning when the player select the first planet for the first time. [/list] [h1]What Next:[/h1] I focused to the UI so I couldn't continue with others features, I hope to continue with them as soon as possible. I would like to finish the machine that will protect the planet of asteroids. I would like to increase the bright during the night and add a bed to avoid night. I would like to continue preparing the game for future translations and I will continue fixing bugs and adding more little features. [h1]Thank you for your support and patience.[/h1]