[h1] Finally the Game in the new Unreal 4 Engine is here [/h1] After three months of insane work, I finally moved the game to the new Unreal 4 Engine. First of all, I apologize about three months of lack of information, but I wasn't really sure if I would port all the game in a short amount of time, so I preferred to have the game port in a near end status in order to make the first announcement. First reason to move the game to the new Engine is because with the new Windows 8 and 10, I wasn't really sure if the old game engine could work properly on those OS. So If any player test the new game version in a windows 8 or 10 and works well please post it. The other important reason is the use of 64 bits, right now the game should work more smooth than the old 32 bits version. The third reason is because all the reflection effects and metal materials are really awesome, and everything in the game is made of metal so when the day is in the sunset all the orange color is reflected in the objects and the vibe is amazing. Try the Ice planet, the reflects on the terrain are really great. Of course there are more reasons, but for me, I started to move the game to the new Engine because of the last three reasons. [h1]New Gameplay[/h1] I totally change the gameplay of the game, I mean, I got rid of the mouse in the gameplay, right now when I play the game I feel really free, and for me is really easier to build and move with the current building system, and with the new highlight is really easy to know which block are you selecting. Please try it and tell me what do you think about the new gameplay. [h1]Not finished yet[/h1] The new version of the game don't have yet all the old features, like jetpack or the research tree or certain blocks light the beacon. I'm still working on it, and I hope to finish all of them as soon as possible. So it is very possible to find crash bugs or lack of machines. [h1]Thank you[/h1] Thank you for your support and patience during the last three months.