[h1]Hello Survivors,[/h1] [h2]An amazing launch![/h2] What a week it’s been. First of all, a huge thanks to all of you for making the early access launch exceed our wildest imagination. We never imagined the game would sell [b]more than 500.000 units in just a week[/b]. We are humbled, grateful, and very very busy working on the game. Let's talk about the future of Deep Rock Galactic: Survivor. [h2]The Road Ahead[/h2] The game launched in Early Access one week ago, and we've deployed a couple of hotfixes since. More hotfixes are inbound in the coming days and weeks to address various issues with the game. A massive shoutout to everyone who takes time out of their day to send us bug reports and error logs that help us track down these bugs. We know there are still a ton of things to fix, but thankfully, that is what Early Access is for, and we hope you will stick with us on this journey. On our [url=https://www.discord.gg/drgs]Discord[/url] there is a #feature-suggestions channel where you can type /feature to add an idea that other people can upvote. If you think your idea might already exist in the channel, be sure to use the search function before adding it. There’s also channels for discussing feature additions, and one for general feedback about the current state of the game. We try to read everything. Work on the first content update is already well underway. The sharp eyed Scouts among you will have noticed a Roadmap on the Steam store page. We'll post it below for good measure. The top part of the roadmap is a list of things we'd like to add to the game in the coming weeks and months, but these sections are very much subject to change, and they are not in order of priority. We’ve already gotten a sample of your spirited and passionate thoughts around the game, and we hope you’ll continue to give your honest feedback. We’re still learning to navigate the ins and outs of early access so bare with us, and know that we are doing our best. [b]Rock and Stone![/b] [i]The Funday Dwarves[/i] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43726543/f648bfe15b1d3b97ceb8c90a16f074a1c6c3e0c4.png[/img]