[h1]Hello Survivors,[/h1] We’ve reached the fourth and final Steam post about the core elements of DRG:S. In this one, it’s all about classes and class mods: What are they, why are they, and what do they do? Continue reading and you shall become an enlightened greybeard. As most of you know, DRG features four classes, each with their own unique playstyle. We wanted to include all four in DRG: Survivor, but at the same time expand with a bit of class specialization. Our approach is what we call ‘[b]Class Mods[/b]’: A system that allows you to choose a specialization that will shape your playstyle and create unique combos. The game will launch in Early Access with three mods for each class, and in this post we’ll reveal the first two for each class. The third mod, you will have to discover for yourself. [u][b]There are spoilers below, so if you want to go into DRG:S completely blind, you should probably stop reading now.[/b][/u] [h2]Scout[/h2] In DRG you start with the gunner class, but in DRG:S you start with the scout. Why? I suppose it just makes sense to do recon work first when diving solo. This red bundle of joy is known to be fast and agile, with easier access to long-range weapons and weapons that target bigger enemies. [h3]Classic[/h3] On your very first dive, you will have access to the [b]Classic[/b] class mod. This mod will help you get used to the flow and basic mechanics of the game by giving you extra movement speed and HP so you can survive a little longer. With the classic mod you receive the staple Deepcore GK2 weapon: A straightforward weapon that shoots in bursts at the nearest enemies. [h3]Recon[/h3] Are you a risk taker? Daredevil? Do you deploy directly to production? Pick the [b]Recon[/b] class mod that gives you a solid, passive 25% chance to dodge attacks. This class mod is all about exploring and allowing you to overextend and take risks to find more precious ore and minerals. Dodging attacks even gives you a short burst of movement and reload speed. A recon Scout starts his run with a pair of Zhukovs. [img]https://i.imgur.com/FaXACx8.gif[/img] [h2]Driller[/h2] Aaahh the Driller… Ol’ Edward Drillerhands. When you unlock this guy you know it's time to exploit Hoxxes for real. In DRG:S, the driller never takes off his drills, so he tunnels through rock and stone much faster than any other class, and his mods make for some very unique builds. [h3]Foreman[/h3] When you first unlock the driller, all you’ll want to do is drill, drill, and drill, so of course the first mod lets you do just that. The [b]foreman[/b] gets 2% mining/drilling speed for 2 seconds when drilling, stacking up to 25 times. To synergize with this drill-first playstyle you get the Subata 120 - a quick-firing weapon that shoots behind you so you can focus on your main obsession. [h3]Interrogator[/h3] The second driller class mod is called [b]interrogator[/b], and while you won’t be questioning glyphids about their ulterior motives or alibis, you will be grilling them with the CRSPR Flamethrower that emits a rotating beam of fire around you. You also gain access to fire and acid type weapons, and a 100% status effect damage increase at the cost of a measly 30% overall damage decrease. The way to build an effective interrogator should be fairly obvious. [img]https://i.imgur.com/7qAVK2Y.gif[/img] [h2]Gunner[/h2] If all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail…. But if all you have is a minigun? You’ll probably enjoy the gunner playstyle. Let’s look at his mods. [h3]Weapons Specialist[/h3] The [b]weapons specialist[/b] starts with the “Lead Storm” Powered Minigun that shoots a hail of bullets in the direction you are facing. This might make it a bit harder to do any mining objectives, but who cares? You have a minigun! As an added bonus, for every 100 projectiles the weapons specialist fires, he shoots out eight high-powered projectiles in all directions. How quickly can you get to 100? Stack reload speed and find out. [h3]Juggernaut[/h3] There are no melee classes in DRG:S, but there is the [b]juggernaut [/b]class mod for the gunner. You’ll start with more armor, more hp, less weapon range, and a special bonus that gives you 10% increased damage for 10 seconds when you take damage, stacking up to 5 times. What better starter weapon for a juggernaut than the “Bulldog” Heavy Revolver that shoots big slugs at the closest nearby enemy. I’M THE JUGGERNAUT B… BOSCO! [img]https://i.imgur.com/y8Vjkte.gif[/img] [h2]Engineer[/h2] If your speciality is specializing, then you were born to be an engineer. This mad lad brings some unique weapons to a dive, like turrets, shock fences, and drones that other classes have very limited access to. His class mods are: [h3]Maintenance Worker[/h3] Ahh yes, the traditional power fantasy of being a [b]maintenance worker[/b]. Don’t let the name fool ya’, because this class mod gets access to some extremely potent construct weapons such as your starting weapon, the LMG Gun Platform turret. Combine that with a 10% damage increase and reload speed on all construct-type weapons, and you’ve got yourself a classic engineer bunkering playstyle. [h3]Tinkerer[/h3] The [b]tinkerer[/b], on the other hand, has spent some extra time at the workbench. All weapons that the tinkerer picks up start at weapon level 3, which is dangerously close to their first overclock. The level increase also counts for the tinkerer’s starting weapon, the “Warthog” Auto 210 which provides a steady rhythm of bullets and knocks back enemies. Last but not least, the tinkerer starts with a passive 10% xp gain. [img]https://i.imgur.com/9hzQ0SC.gif[/img] …and that’s it for class mods. The rest you will have to discover for yourself. We want to keep expanding this system as we develop the game to add more flavor and playstyles for you to unlock. On February 14th, we are making our first touchdown on Hoxxes but there is so much more to explore and extract. We hope to see you then. [b]Rock and Stone[/b] [i]The Funday Dwarves[/i]