[h3]Hello Survivors,[/h3] Another week, another spicy subject to cover. In this one, let’s take a look at some of the enemies you’ll be facing in your dives. Spoilers below if you want to be entirely surprised on your first playthrough! Starting with the small boys, Grunts. Weak while alone, but a force to be reckoned with once they grow in numbers. Their approach is straightforward: Attack everything that moves, head-on. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43726543/c2bad666d35639e9119a3704d1237947d1c46306.gif[/img] The older cousin of the grunt is the Grunt Slasher. This critter is also a one-trick glyphid - it can attack, but it can just do it a little better thanks to its claws. Moving on to the more beefy boys, we have the Praetorian: A glyphid that has more health points and can destroy rocks and stones (couldn’t help myself) to carve a path directly towards you. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43726543/b3c56e70c9fdda39393ac1b4fe69c2ebf6a9a7c1.gif[/img] Speaking of destruction, an iconic member of the glyphid family is the Exploder. Faster than other glyphids, it will try to get close to you and detonate. You can either take them out as soon as you spot them from a safe distance, or herd them together with a huge horde of glyphids for an epic chain reaction of destruction. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43726543/8c7683cf70331defdc9c19b3819c26c236a84743.gif[/img] During your run, if you look further in the back of the horde of bugs, you’ll notice a rather timid glyphid that likes to keep its distance: The Acid Spitter. During development, we stumbled on some visibility issues where the green spit projectile would be too hard to see with hundreds of enemies surrounding you. The solution? We changed the acid’s color to bright pink. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43726543/fb9fd0c047ca0159915a82d4186973cd0c6e4a36.gif[/img] We also have Macteras that can quickly ruin your bunkering strategy by flying over the environment to get to you, Stabber Vines that sprout from the ground ready to stab you when you run past, and Spitball Infectors ready to…well…spit at you. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43726543/09cd59a55626004f0006d03a72a7dce5a2c7ddd2.gif[/img] In our humble opinion, you can’t have a DRG game without the infamous Loot Bug, the fan-favorite, two-time winner of Hoxxes’ Cutest Little Bug Award™. I just wanna pet it…with my pickaxe, till it bursts and gives me all that sweet loot. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43726543/95c722ed2e216a1c2cdb9178131ba5fb700ed432.gif[/img] To finish a mission you’ll have to deal with the final boss, the one and only Dreadnought. Towering over the other enemies, this bad boy is hard to miss. With a healthy amount of HP and an aggressive demeanor, it should give you a challenge to brag about at the Abyss Bar. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43726543/1fc1020916505851606a108dfbda13d3016f7fce.gif[/img] During Early Access we plan on adding more types of enemies, maybe a Warden or a Huuli Hoarder, and come up with variants of enemies that are biome specific. Adding completely new enemies that are unique to DRG: Survivor is not out of the question down the line. We already added unique weapons like Drones and the Th-OR Bug Taser (more on that in another post), so we will keep evaluating if we are missing some enemy mechanics that could make for interesting gameplay. That’s all for now! Stay tuned for next week’s post where we will cover all the fun gadgets you can use to cull the natural inhabitants of Hoxxes. That’s right: It’s time to show off our GUNS! Rock and Stone! :pickax: The Funday Dwarves