[h1]Hello Survivors,[/h1] Just one more day until you can get your greedy little hands on all the riches of Hoxxes! We've just received a Steam Deck Compatibility rating from Valve marking the game as [b]'Playable'[/b]. We went over all parts of the game with a magnifying glass, but there are still a few places with slightly-smaller-than-it-should-be-for-handheld-devices text. That means we can't launch with 'Verified', but we'll make it a priority to fix it soon. Fortunately for all you '[i]deckies[/i]' (that's a thing, right?), [b]all the other requirements for Verified are already fulfilled[/b], such as: [list] [*] All functionality is accessible when using the default controller configuration [*] The game shows Steam Deck controller icons [*] This game's default graphics configuration performs well on Steam Deck [/list] From personal experience we can tell you that the game plays really well on a Steam Deck, and if you squint you might not even notice the text issues. We will be working on getting officially Verified soon after launch. [b]Rock and Stone! [/b][i]The Funday Dwarves[/i] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43726543/254167c5e5b63443f410509d7d2b5b1f3b3d780b.png[/img]