[h1]Hello Survivors,[/h1] We hope your Easter was full of chocolate and dreadnought eggs! In the tradition of Deep Rock Galactic, we've compiled an infographic with some survivor statistics for our first month of Early Access. If you have ever wondered: What is the most popular weapon on Hoxxes IV? How many players have actually beaten Haz 5? Exactly how many dwarven lives have been sacrificed in the name of corporate greed? ... and much more. Take a look down below. As promised before Easter - stay tuned for an update to the living roadmap soon. We can't wait to tell you what's in store for Update 2! [b]Rock and Stone![/b] The Funday Dwarves [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43726543/a2276003f75476ab535438e00a1dcbb048559566.png[/img] [i][url=https://i.imgur.com/YxHvjWw.jpeg]Full size link[/url][/i]