[h1]Hello Survivors,[/h1] Last week we updated our Living Roadmap with the headlines for Update 03. This time, two of the bullet points would have appeared quite cryptic to you, but today we’ll share the details about the first one of them: [b]Mastery Missions[/b]. Mastery Missions are divided into three categories: Weapon Masteries, Class Mod Masteries, and Biome Masteries. There are 42 [b]Weapon Mastery[/b] missions, one for each weapon, and they unlock once you’ve reached one of its first milestones. In a weapon’s Mastery Mission, you enter a 3-stage dive where you are only able to use that specific weapon, and no other weapon slots will unlock in the dive. If you complete the mission, you will unlock a permanent upgrade to the weapon that will apply to all game modes. This reward scales with the Mastery Mission hazard level. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43726543/17b86b705b67fb5e4a4a7e7af0547425eb1424fd.png[/img] [b]Class Mod Mastery[/b] missions unlock after completing a Hazard 2 dive with a specific class mod, and there are of course 12 of them - one for each class mod. These mastery missions are regular 5-stage dives, but they come with an array of added challenges, most notably the inability to heal during a stage. That’s right: No red sugar, no life regeneration, and no healing when you level up. The rewards are worth it though. Each completed Class Mod mastery will permanently increase the class mod’s passive bonuses across all game modes. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43726543/5061f8b98dbfd2f546249032e44f1482777ecf44.png[/img] Finally, we have the [b]Biome Mastery[/b] missions which unlock after beating a specific biome on Hazard 3. The challenge here is straightforward: There are 10 stages instead of the usual 5. This might not be Endless Mode, but it can sure feel like it when you dive that deep. It’s all worth it though, because the reward is a permanent upgrade to the specific biome that will carry through all game modes. What the upgrade is exactly, you will have to wait and see. We’re super excited to bring Mastery Missions into the game. They add a lot of variety to the core gameplay, and the passive stat rewards add a way for players to boost their power level outside the regular meta upgrade shop. In the next post, we’ll talk about [b]Anomaly Dives[/b] which is another new game mode, and [b]Morkite Reactor Cores[/b] which is a new meta upgrade currency. Rock and Stone The Funday Dwarves