[h1]Hello Survivors,[/h1] It’s been a while since we updated you on the development of Update 02, mainly because we were still cooking. We’re getting closer to a release day, the update is being tested and polished, and some features are pretty close to being done. Among them is the reworked version of our boss encounter: The Dreadnought. When Update 02 launches, we’re introducing a whole new boss encounter (more on that in a later update) – and to not make the Dreadnought encounter feel like “the simple one” in comparison, we’ve given it an overhaul. The current version of the Dreadnought has one trick in its book: A jump/charge attack. The reworked Dreadnought has two new abilities to accompany the charge. [img]https://i.imgur.com/jBOxg22.gif[/img] The first new ability is a variation of the Trembling Stomp known from Deep Rock Galactic, where the Dreadnought roars, stomps, and creates volcanic spikes that shoot up from the ground. In Deep Rock Galactic: Survivor, these spikes shoot out in a tight cone that traps you until you dig through or outrun them. This is probably a good idea if you don’t want to be vulnerable to a charge attack follow-up. The second new ability is our version of the DRG Dreadnought’s Swarm Bladder attack: a ranged projectile attack where the Dreadnought spits out a cocoon that bursts open and spawns a pack of Glyphids. The two new abilities will be more deadly in higher hazard levels, just as the Dreadnought’s health and damage scales accordingly. [img]https://i.imgur.com/4kG6flp.gif[/img] That’s it for now - stay tuned as we reveal more details about Update 02 which is releasing later this month. [b]Rock and Stone![/b] [i]The Funday Dwarves[/i]