[h1]New Music[/h1] Up to now, I used a royality free music from the internet but now we have a unique music made for the game by Jake Rizer @jrazer98! [h1]Italian Language[/h1] The game (and also the demo) is now available in Italian! Thanks a lot to Gerardo who did the translation for me. [h1]Performance[/h1] I tried to optimize performance by adding "pooling". Now, objects are [b]NOT[/b] created/destroyed all the time but shown/hidden if they are needed. This is especially important when MANY objects/effects are created like in the this GIF. On the top, you can see that there is a short pause in the gameplay when all effect are created when the 4 novas of the ship strike the enemies at the same time. [img]https://i.imgur.com/F6eG9Qm.gif[/img] On the bottom you see that this does not happen anymore because I never create/delete objects anymore and ALSO the amount of objects is limited by the size of the pool. Be aware that this is an extreme case with all those enemies and 4 novas hitting them at the same time. You'll not find this situation often in normal gameplay. There is one more extreme situation thought: When you have a lot of weapons and slice up many asteroids at the same time. Sometimes FPS dipped down during this situation and now it should be way more fluent. :) Especially for the last stage of the game with many enemies and effects appearing, this should keep the FPS a bit more stable. [h1]Tweaks[/h1] [list] [*] Quest Arrows are now bigger [img]https://i.imgur.com/5djDivp.gif[/img] [*] Tetris collision (from Mr. I and his friends) is now disabled as soon as the quest is completed. This allows to collect boxies which have been (randomly) spawned in front of the huge Tetris block. [img]https://i.imgur.com/uUcSxRS.gif[/img] [/list] [h1]Bugfixes[/h1] [list] [*] Collected boxies were able to be collected AGAIN (while they fly away) and this could sometimes freeze the game. [*] UI could lose focus when opening the pause menu --> options menu while the ship selection was open. In that situation, it was not possible to select any button anymore with the gamepad. [*] Achievements did not unlock when the thresholds (e.g. shoot 2048 asteroids) were met in the demo. They should unlock now as soon as you start the game. [*] Health points are now "ceiled" which means if you have e.g. 0.3 health, you will see a "1" in the health bar and not "0". [*] Lensflare behind station in the cloud vortex is not hidden anymore. [*] Tried to fix a shader issue on Mac, where the sun in the cloud vortex had white corners. [*] While the list in the end screen is updated, the selection would always jump back to the "chocolate store"-button but now stays even if you have selected "play again" or "main menu" [/list]