
You emerge from Vault 101, blinking the sunlight out of your gloom-damaged, unpracticed eyes, and the world of Fallout 3 stretches around you in every direction. The opening hours of Bethesda's RPG are the most tense and volatile. You have no weapons, no ammunition, no health supplies, and no money. Everything can kill you. Everybody you meet is a complete stranger. There is boundless possibility, but also immense pressure - your focus is to survive. City 20, the new sandbox and survival game by Untold, feels like the introductory section of Fallout 3 or New Vegas, but writ large. I remember scrounging around Megaton, collecting (or stealing) as much junk as possible to trade for a few caps and maybe a handful of bullets. Eventually in Fallout you ascend to ruler of the Wasteland, but in City 20, life is permanently hard.

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Hyper realistic survival game City 20 reveals new approach to strategy
Survival game City 20 is so realistic it's scary, and it hits PC soon
City 20 could be the biggest, most believable survival game ever made