Hi everyone! We know it's been a while since we've released an update letting you all know what's been up in Developer Land, and we just wanted to take some time to explain what we've been up to for the last few months. As a lot of you already know, we initially said that we would be releasing the dinosaur expansion a few months ago. Obviously, we're waaaaay behind schedule with that. Essentially, we wrote the whole dinosaur branch of the evolutionary tree, worked up the graphics, got the gameplay running, and went to the first round of beta testing... ... And realized pretty quickly that something just wasn't quite working. We had to go back to the drawing board and change a lot of things around. We completely re-did the graphics, moved some things around, and changed the gameplay to be in a different style that will build on the existing evolutionary tree while keeping things fresh and non-repetitive. It's been a long process, and we've been working really hard to get everything just right while also having to take time-outs to do bug fixes, work on adding/improving save functions, and other general housekeeping. But despite the setbacks, we're finally getting to a point where the dinosaurs are nearly ready to be released into the world, like at the end of the latest Jurassic Park (seriously, who thought it was a good idea to just let them out like that? That's how you get a velociraptor eating your pet chihuahua). We're hoping to release them in beta testing to a small group of people by the end of next week, and hopefully once we can get them through a few rounds of testing and made some adjustments, they'll be ready to play. We're really grateful to everyone who has continued to play the game while we've had to take a bit longer than usual to put this all together. You guys help us to make the game better, and obviously, we couldn't do it without you. Thanks for playing [i]Cells[/i], and we're really excited to introduce you to the dinosaurs! Check out this sneak peek of what our lizard friends are going to look like. We think you're gonna like it. [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/34010837/33a61c07a8ee5a8e633c3f665925a74eb92b5add.png[/img]