Hello Beta Testers, After reviewing your feedback from the Fungus Among Us Exploration, our top priority has been to retrieve everyone's lost badges! Please be on the lookout for these features when testing this small beta update... [h2]Features to Test:[/h2] [h3]Major Badge Bug Fix[/h3] If you were affected by the sudden disappearance of your hard-earned Fungus Among Us badges, first off- we deeply apologize! We understand how painful it is to suddenly lose important simulation progress. Second off- there are multiple ways to fix it: For some players, it will be automatically fixed when updating the game. For players still experiencing a 'no badges' issue, please email us at lunch@computerlunch.com, and we'll restore the badges in their rightful location. We also developed an easy fix tool for the risk takers: [olist] [*] Click on the hamburger menu in the top right of your screen. [*] Scroll down to the bottom and select the 'Fix Fungi Badges' button. [/olist] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34010837/19fc5560ed405292ecd3365b4b44b7fd51876c75.png[/img] Please let us know if you run into any additional problems with this new tool. Our goal is to get this ready for all affected Universe Architects as soon as possible, and your feedback for this fix is the most important step! [h3]Additional Features:[/h3] - A couple mushroom clusters now appear in the Land Garden! - Updated app icon set to change back to the Beyond. Thank you for your feedback and your time spent beta testing! We always look forward to implementing suggestions that improve the quality of the game, and we highly value your simulation contributions. Stay cellular, everyone! ~Lunch