Hello Cells Beta Testers, The simulation is ready for more testing. While the James Webb Telescope Exploration has come and gone, we're continuing to move onto greener pastures with this new Exploration beta update! Be sure to update your save file, and watch the Exploration timer tick down until 12 PM EST tomorrow! [h3]Features:[/h3] + View more polished 3D models in the Exploration Garden! + Watch brand new animations play out in the Exploration Garden when unlocking generators! + Earn an updated Gold Badge design! + Added "Discord Rich Presence", which provides details of what's happening in-game through your Discord profile! + Added translated text for all languages! + Balance and mission progression tweaks. + Background idle should now be 100% for the Exploration. + Fixed the duplicate image on Firearms and Gunpowder on the Main Civilization Tree. + Various bug fixes. [h2]How do I join beta testing?[/h2] [h3]1.) Right click on the Cell To Singularity title, and select Properties.[/h3] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34010837/815d5bbf6d8ee5f918720d4d8d97b0e8d02455bb.png[/img] [h3]2.) Select the Beta tab, and choose the Public Beta option.[/h3] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34010837/0987683fd82e86d590fbd06356b5b99823f9e7f9.png[/img] Before enrolling for public beta testing, please review our guidelines and rules to keep certain event information and your save file protected: https://forms.gle/1zS7AQ1DQmhuUMTD7 We also ask that current beta testers please fill out this new form to stay updated on potential risks that comes with beta testing. [h2]What do we need from our Cells Beta Testers?[/h2] We need your help addressing bugs and gameplay inconsistencies. Your feedback will improve the quality of our upcoming Exploration, as well as ensure a more timely release with less bugs. We always appreciate your input, and we can't wait to hear what you think of this new Exploration! Stay cellular, ~Lunch