[h3]Hello Universe Architects,[/h3] [h3]Who am I? What’s the right thing to do? Is everyone except for me secretly a soulless zombie only pretending to be conscious? These are the big questions that keep us up at night. If science won’t provide the answers, maybe there's another way…?[/h3] [h3]I have a theory that you'll like the new Cell To Singularity limited-time event... [/h3] [h1]The Big Questions Exploration![/h1] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34010837/b71aa1554a7b623671e5b9c46eba8aa927bc979f.png[/img] Our next Exploration is clear as day and ready to play! Starting [b]July 7th at 12:00 PM EST[/b], you can test your philosophical knowledge and begin your trek towards finding the meaning of life. [h2]Get Your Study On[/h2] Grab your reading glasses and sharpen your mind. This limited-time event features 60+ thoughtful trait nodes and 7 illuminating generators. Will you find all the answers at the end of your journey? [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34010837/990378ecbcdee0ab4216beb7a1c62fafc0b62ad4.png[/img] [h2]Head In The Clouds[/h2] The brain fog is clearing over the new Exploration Garden. From [i]Ethics[/i] to the [i]Meaning of Life[/i], watch a new tier of the subconscious unfold as you unlock each generator. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34010837/e8ddd2170e53e0cc2e8c3063dc5ec4afc6835ccf.png[/img] [h2]Thought-Provoking Cosmetics[/h2] A new and fascinating currency has found its way into the simulation: [b]Logits[/b]! Use them to claim exclusive Artifacts for your Primary Simulation or to refresh the look of your Cell To Singularity characters. This feature is only available in the Logit Store while an Exploration is live! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34010837/8adbf302f59ee97cc1d978eac5c26b84b9619b80.png[/img] [h2]A Decorated Philosopher[/h2] What's an Exploration without collectible Badges?? Embark on the path to enlightenment and strive to earn all three! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34010837/8b2462754788278d91e07b55f29c2afeb203f129.png[/img] [h3]Additional Features:[/h3] - Collect Questions as the new Exploration currency! - Brainblast! Get a burst of Questions from book-shaped Quantum Charges. - Get organized! Exploration Badges now have their own section in the Achievements tab. - Click on an Exploration Badge to get its full details! - Already beat the Exploration? Play it again to stack your Exploration Badges! - Read up on patch notes any time in the Options tab of your simulation! - Portuguese localization Improvements. - Bug Fix: Exploration missions weren't completing even though the player bought the required node. [h3]EDIT - Added Fixes & Features (Patch 12.99):[/h3] - Re-added the Fungi Badge Bug Fix button. - Updated "First Image" icon on JW event with the new NASA image. - Fix: Readjusted achievement count. - Fix: Fixed the -1% text issue on badge cards. [h3]Brainstorm your way through The Big Questions Exploration from July 7th @ 12:00 PM EST to July 13th @ 12:00 PM EST![/h3] Join our meeting of the minds before it's too late. As always, we look forward to your feedback and we hope you enjoy this new addition to the simulation. Stay cellular! ~Lunch