Hello Universe Architects, One journey to the stars wasn't enough! Join our team as we prepare for a returning Exploration about the making of the James Webb Space Telescope. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34010837/4057f498fbfc89f804e1a81180b1637342a6310e.png[/img] The James Webb Telescope Exploration, which first launched on February 26th, will be back and better than ever! While most Exploration features will be unchanged from the original, there are a few new enhancements to look forward to: [list] [*] Gameplay tweaks to make traversing through the Exploration tree fairer and more fun! [*] Catch a Quantum Charge with a fun, new look! [*] Missed your chance at a JWST badge (or three)? You're in luck! [/list] In the coming week, our team is focused on polishing the finishing touches before countdown day. So keep an eye out for simulation updates and an official Exploration announcement by next week! We hope you're ready to travel to the deep depths of space with us one more time. Strap in- it's going to be out of this world. Stay cellular! ~Lunch