Hail Universe Architects, Another historical era has arrived as civilization migrates into the next age. The Main Simulation has expanded in this period of significant change. Join Semblance as she observes humanity rebuild civilization in the — [b]Middle Ages[/b]. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34010837/175a824a4511b6100b39a3c56ab48ada159a7c8e.png[/img] Embark on a journey through the Silk Road as trade, expanded knowledge and new beliefs connect the East and West. Goods and philosophies were exchanged by many hands before it reached its final destination. [h1]Chivalry isn’t Dead[/h1] The Middle Ages, also known as the Medieval Era, was a period of strife that led to the foundation of the modern times. Other accomplishments were made in the East and found prosperity in the booming trade. [list] [*] Unlock five new research nodes that expand into the Middle Ages. [*] More heads are better than one. A new glitch node, [b]Rapa Nui[/b], is available to unlock in the simulation. [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34010837/c0483fd919bb5e76c2ee1d7bfbd9b698d7c5833b.png[/img] [h1]Out for Delivery[/h1] Did you know that the Silk Road is also known as the Jade Road? Jade was the earliest good exchanged for trade. Valued by the West, the monopoly of silk played a significant role in the development of the route and paved the way to new wonders. [list] [*] Travel with the merchant as he makes his way to the [b]forge[/b]— a staple found in every blacksmith’s trade. [*] View the stars in the Muslim [b]observatory[/b]. [*] Fulfill your need for knowledge with [b]illuminated manuscripts[/b], featuring beautiful and intricate illustrations. [*] So much more awaits in this new age. [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34010837/80dc78159b8279d50c7c88064c8c1849101738a0.png[/img] [h1]Bloom into Spring[/h1] Three new Augmentation Artifacts are ready to be built in your garden. [list] [*] Use Logits to pay your respects to the shogun at the [b]Himeji Castle[/b]. [*] Invest in your education with [b]Oxford University[/b]. [*] Bring the prosperous [b]Silk Road[/b] to your simulation with 85 Darwinium cubes. [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34010837/673191ccc8f8d116fb7c0b8b97f42f211ad47422.png[/img] [h1]‘Tis but a Scratch[/h1] Unlike the Holy Grail, a new secret achievement is waiting to be discovered. Can you complete this elusive quest? [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34010837/2a17bbf37901d59d2c998df57fd4866e71d3de12.png[/img] [h1]Additional Features:[/h1] [list] [*] The Main Simulation tree has been organized for clarity. [*] Exploration Lab has been moved earlier while Cyborgs have been moved to the top of the tree. [*] Various other tuning changes to the Main Simulation. [*] Adjustments made to the Explore leaderboard tier rank. [*] Optional challenge mode added upon completion of the Explore event. [*] Players can now claim prizes from a completed event before the next event starts. [/list] [h1]Civilization: Middle Ages is available to play now on Steam and will be available on iOS and Android by 06/12/2024 at 11:59 PM ET.[/h1] To celebrate the winners of the Main Simulation Tree Contest, we held a chillstream on Friday 06/07/2024 at 11 AM ET on [url=https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2165919534]Twitch[/url] and [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCj_dV7SeKU&ab_channel=ComputerLunch]YouTube[/url]. We announced this contest on our May livestream and we want to thank everyone who participated. The team loves all the wonderful and diverse trees our players have created. If you are curious to know who the winners are, you can find them here: [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/CellToSingularity/comments/1dak6hk/main_simulation_tree_contest_winner_announcement/]link[/url]. We are excited to host different types of contests in the future. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34010837/50b363d94adc02d0637b531dbc258d0881247d96.png[/img] Speaking of livestreams, although this is early, we will have another official stream on June 21 to chat about the next upcoming content release. Can you guess what it is? We don’t want it out of the bag yet. Join our [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/CellToSingularity/comments/1b37wya/call_for_beta_testers/]beta[/url] to find out more. It’s going to be very exciting as we sprint towards the finish line. Our game is constantly evolving. Thank you for your continued feedback and patience as we work to provide the best play experience for all players. Stay cellular! The Cells Team