Hello Beta Testers, We are running a public BETA test (13.77) for our upcoming Extinction event (Life after Apocalypse). The goal is to review the game for any bugs, check how the missions and tuning feels, get any last feedback form players on art and music choices. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34010837/1f199c53ec28e90b465f663034fdd4f77a2957c2.png[/img] What's in the latest version 13.77 + Missions have been updated. We are trying missions that pair a LUCA collect mission with a Extinction trigger event. See if that feels different. + Extinction animation are almost finalized. + Background music updated, unlocking, extinction, backgound music. Let us know if you think they fit with the event. + Translation and localization fixes. + All Earth Logit cosmetics now also show up in the Beyond. Pretty cool right? + Volcano Logit node animation when clicked. [h3]HOW TO PLAY THE BETA[/h3] If you are on the Steam Beta Channel you should already have access to the beta. Switch your steam to the public beta channel using the properties settings. [url=https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34010837/0987683fd82e86d590fbd06356b5b99823f9e7f9.png][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34010837/6a6afe051f904bd3f31d94509cec1edb1ab8f920.png[/img][/url] [h3]HOW LONG IS BETA OPEN[/h3] The Beta is available now until this Saturday at 12PM EST. [h3]WHERE TO LEAVE FEEDBACK[/h3] Please leave and feedback or comment on this post. Or you can hop over to our [b]discord[/b] and leave feedback in our Beta channel. https://discord.gg/Q6jWgPHUTa Remember this event will go live for all player next week, note you will keep any badges you earn during the BETA. These tests help us polish and eliminate bugs making a smoother play for everyone, so Thank you very much for your help testing. HAVE FUN! ~ Lunch