Hi everyone, We have an update with more ranks and dinosaurs, however before we push it live we need beta testers to bang against the latest build and check for bugs. There is some risk to you save so if you are worried about then maybe don't join the beta. We have tested the save system and it works on our end but I have to make the warning. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34010837/b4cc1bc08eeca79b0e66ac2e7b78defa7abd6f6b.png[/img] [h2]What am I testing?[/h2] [h3]Darwinium not available Issue[/h3] For the past 5 days there has been an issue with not being able to purchase Darwinium. This patch should fix that issue. You don't need to buy anything just check to see it the panel comes down and that you are seeing the options to buy Darwinium Cubes. [h3]Achievement system update[/h3] We also have made major changes to the achievement system. There are 40 new dinosaur achievements however we needed to make a few non trivial changes to the internal workings of the achievement system, so that they would work in both the Main simulation and the Mesozoic Valley. Additionally we had reports of players not getting achievement on their steam account that should be fixed in this patch. [h3]10 new ranks and 2 new Dinosaurs.[/h3] We have been busy working on additional ranks and dinosaurs. We know some player have already finished all 32 ranks. This version has up to 41 ranks with an additional 2 new dinosaurs and 4 more evolution trait cards. [h3]Clicking now produces more the 1 fossil [/h3] For a while we have been meaning to get tapping more inline with the production values for progress bar generation. Tapping will now scale to you production generated per second. There is also a new evolutionary Rare trait that will increase your tapping power. + auto buying when holding down on the tree. + Sound effects on dash panel open+close + start up sequence sound effects + Arabic text alignment fixed [b]QUICK PATCH 3.88[/b] + Fixed getting stuck on rank 32 if you had already been grinding on that rank + Fixed bug where you can skip rank up card mission by leaving and returning to the Dino simulation. + Added cap to evolutionary card preventing ranking up a card and not getting anything. [b]Even more Patching 3.89[/b] + Add debugger + fixed double counting for missions + reduced rate of checking achievements [h2]How do I help test?[/h2] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34010837/280c903db29c73a90aaebcb4e47922038ba910b5.png[/img] Right click on Cell to Singularity and click properties. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34010837/b473c0ffb81fc8df1d013b5156cda022e60c5348.png[/img] Click the drop down and select beta , no password is needed. Then exit the window and the beta should start to update on your steam. If the game does not update right away you might have to log out of steam and log back in. - I know people are excited about getting back to the out space beyond section, we are too. We still have a lot of work on the dinosaurs to get those feeling great so that's our development priority at the moment. Stay Cellular~ - lunch