Hello Universe Architects, A new Beyond Beta update is now available on Steam! *Please note that this update will restart your Beyond progress! PATCH 9.65 + Made major progression changes and re-balanced missions. + Added and improved several translations (WIP). + Fixed several orbital movements. + Rank up cutscenes improved. + Traits Cards received balance tweaks. + Added cutscene story text. + Updated astronomy mission icons and reworked historic dispatches. + Removed sentience values on Quantum Charges and while offline. + Removed stardust research mission's speed buy. + Made several bug fixes. Thanks to you, the level of beta polish is really making the Beyond shine! We appreciate all of your feedback, and look forward to seeing your results in [url=https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc7T7X8XDnmnOrt2Jc4rOhanZEPmzuAftfxBXDZ52oIbd91ww/viewform?usp=sf_link]the form[/url]. Have a great weekend, and stay cellular! ~Lunch