Hello Universal Architects, We are hard work with the next major expansion, The Beyond: Phase I. We are excited to share more gameplay and details about it soon. In the meantime, you can read about its progress [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/CellToSingularity/comments/n1buxn/update_beyond_details_state_of_the_game_4292021/]here[/url]. [h2]8.52 [/h2] + Fixed infinite stone geode bug. [h2]HOTFIX 8.49 Late game re-tuning.[/h2] Based on your feedback here in the comments we decided to greatly reduced the late game metabit bonus nerf that was introduce in 8.47. This re-tuning should bring back metabit yields for players with over 1 trillion research levels. More specifically we introduce a nerf to the "mined bonus" because it was causing some super late game players to reach total entropy earned of over 1E60. Beyond this number the game started to suffer from precision errors in the way metabits are calculated. Note there is still a light nerf on the "mined bonus" over 1 trillion metabits earned. To compare in build 8.47 we reduced production increase per metabit earned by 1/100th. In the latest build 8.49 that reduction of boost is only 1/4th. Thanks again for letting us know the tuning felt off. [h2]8.47[/h2] In this current update (8.47), we've reworked a few internal issues of how the game has been handling numbers. [h3]Culturally Correct Number Formatting[/h3] The game now displays numbers based on you regional settings! [b]Ex:[/b] [b]USA:[/b] 1,000,000,000.99 [b]Russia:[/b] 1 000 000 000,99 [b]German:[/b],99 [h3]Game Transfer Stability[/h3] We know the Game Transfer system has been an issue for multiple players. With this latest update, we are hoping that this system will now work for everyone. [b]*Note:[/b] Game Transfer will be fully available once its updated across all devices (Android, IOS, Steam). Please wait to test this until the mobile updates are released next week. Thank you! [h3]Price & Prestige Boost Changes[/h3] In the last update, we adjusted the prices for many of the main tree Entropy generators. This has made it easier to get late-game Mammal content. However, in response to this adjustment, we've nerfed the "Mined Metabits" prestige bonus by a substantial amount. We will also be looking further into transferring the reduction of the "Mined Metabits" bonus into new Reality Engine nodes. [h3]Fixing Corrupted Data in Save Files[/h3] We've introduced an internal cleaning function in case your save file becomes corrupted! If you experience errors related to international currency or date format, this system will revert those stats. [b]Bonus:[/b] The T-Rex is selectable again in Mesozoic Valley! We also gave him back his crown. Please let us know if you are experiencing any issues with this update in the comments. We appreciate your feedback! Stay cellular, ~Lunch