Hi Universe Architects, We have upgraded the simulation with a few fixed features! Here is what to look out for: There is now a Scientific Notation display option! Pick your preferred number format between 3 options: Normal, Scientific, and Custom. Which one will you be playing with? [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34010837/57a7e164d92ec6404b5b9a5ea6514c5fbf9799a9.png[/img] This patch also addresses a bug in our Game Transfer system where players could not upload save files from the Steam client. Please let us know if you are still experiencing issues with this feature! We also increased the camera's zoom out distance on the main tree. Take a good look around as you view more of the tree at once! Our zoom scrolling has also been inverted for a long time. When viewing the main tree, you will now zoom in when scrolling forward and zoom out when you scroll backward. [b]Additional Changes:[/b] - Internal changes to the Quantum Charger graphic effect when you collect them. - Cyborg requires you to unlock the Emergent Age before it becomes available. - Bug Fix: T-Rex Achievement Glass now unlocked in the Terminus Chamber. We hope you enjoy the update, and stay cellular! ~Lunch