Hi everyone, This patch expands on the Mesozoic Valley, adding some new dinosaurs and evolutionary traits, specific dinosaur achievements, and bug fixes. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34010837/9b030288e8bb1239f74bff66f0e619cf7d2ee128.png[/img] Image by REWJr1134 on Discord - one of the awesome submissions for our Dinosaur Screenshot Contest! [h2]What's new?[/h2] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34010837/a2af4ec1b97deb0e9a72ea8863c3e0fd62b54132.png[/img] [h3]Darwinium not available Issue[/h3] For the past 5 days there has been an issue with players not being able to purchase Darwinium. This patch should fix that issue - we wanted to get it fixed sooner but we had some open dinosaur issues that we were also trying to fix and wanted to release them all in one neat patch. [h3]Achievement system update[/h3] We also have made major changes to the achievement system. There are 40 new dinosaur achievements, two for each major dinosaur. We also fixed the bug where people were not getting their Steam achievements. [h3]10 new ranks and 2 new Dinosaurs.[/h3] We know some player have already finished all 32 ranks! You guys are fast. This version has additional ranks with 2 new dinosaurs and 4 more evolution trait cards. To include these dinosaurs, we've also modified the dinosaur garden, which now includes a beach and an ocean! [h3]Clicking now produces more the 1 fossil [/h3] Tapping will now scale to your production generated per second; this should cut down on some of the confusion from the initial update. There is also a new Rare evolutionary trait that will increase your tapping power. [h3]PATCH NOTES:[/h3] + Auto buying when holding down on the tree. + Sound effects on dash panel open + close + start up sequence sound effects + Arabic text alignment fixed + Fixed getting stuck on rank 32 if you had already been grinding on that rank + Fixed bug where you can skip rank up card mission by leaving and returning to the Dino simulation. + Added cap to evolutionary card preventing ranking up a card and not getting anything. + Fixed double counting for missions + Reduced rate of checking achievements + Fixed bug where achievement system was causing some progression issues We've been testing for the last week but this update makes a lot of changes, so please let us know if you encounter any issues. Leave comments on this post to make us aware of any bugs - the sooner we know about them, the sooner we can fix them. Stay Cellular~ - lunch