Hello Universe Architects! [b]Beyond Episode 19[/b] is coming soon! While the Beyond preps for launch, we have a set of changes and bug fixes in this latest update. You may have already caught a sneak peek if you've been following our [url=https://steamcommunity.com/games/977400/announcements/detail/3644027577435310183]dev diary[/url]. [h2]Dawn of Civilization[/h2] The Civilization garden has gone through a major overhaul as the [b]Dawn of Civilization[/b] is upon us. This is the first stage as we set up a series of upcoming updates to celebrate the first six Ages of Civilization. The garden is bare but the first six generators are still available to unlock and have been updated! For those that have already unlocked the generators, they are still available in your garden. More will come as we delve deeper into the history of each era in the coming weeks. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34010837/7356c7fbfb530ea1c6b48957f376f23535443eff.png[/img] [h2]RP Leaderboard[/h2] [list] [*] Goodbye, high scores! The leaderboard is now a global, tiered system based on personal progress, achievements and badges collected. [*] How is all of this calculated? Your progress is tracked in [b]Research Points (RP)[/b], which is the new overall XP. More details are provided in the [url=https://steamcommunity.com/games/977400/announcements/detail/3644027577435310183]dev diary[/url]. [*] Climb up the progress ladder to earn new titles. Each title has a max of ten levels per tier! [/list] Keep in mind, all leaderboard content, RP calculations, and tuning are still under development as we continue to iterate on production tuning. Title art and names will also be subject to change in future updates. We need more live production data to keep polishing the leaderboard. We appreciate your feedback throughout this process. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34010837/643f117347a40f6c98e5a18c6cfc18215ab608fe.png[/img] [h2]4th Tuning with Metabit Production[/h2] In this round, we're back to focusing on Metabit production. We wanted the Mesozoic Valley, Beyond and the Explore badges to contribute to Metabit production. With these re-tuning changes, Metabit production should more fairly reflect your progress across all in-game content. [list] [*] We’ve added 9 new Metabit upgrades— 3 each for Mesozoic Valley, Beyond, and Explore Badges. These will boost the Metabit production for the Main Simulation. [*] Each upgrade is available after unlocking its respective content for the first time, and the next upgrade will be available after unlocking the former. [*] New highlighted views are included to view their effects from the total production view in the Reality Engine. Please see the [url=https://steamcommunity.com/games/977400/announcements/detail/3644027577435310183]dev diary[/url] for more details. [*] The Metabit cost has also been lowered and increased production boost for Ape and Mammal research nodes. [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34010837/967e8d527d3e1e7f0d111e61449fb85ae4b4d52a.png[/img] In addition, the following features are new in this version: [list] [*] In the Beyond, Trait Cards now appear in tabs and with better sorting to be more accessible [*] Constellations in the Beyond got some polish [*] Fixed: locked generators could be focused in the Garden [*] Fixed: translations for some strings were missing or wrong for some languages in Beyond Episode 18 [*] Fixed: mouse scroll wheel moves very slowly on some menus [/list] Version 19.33 will be available to all players in Steam today and [b]mobile on 08/21/23[/b]. Join us on Twitch on [b]Friday 08/18, 1pm EDT[/b] where we showcase more of the updated Civ Garden and answer questions about the leaderboard and tuning updates. We hope everyone is excited with these new updates! We look forward to your reactions. – The Cells Team