Hi everyone, Welcome to the 2nd round of [i]Tuning For the Future[/i]! As mentioned in version 18.12, we have 8 iterations of Metabit tuning planned to pave the way for our game’s growth and content progression. With version 18.35, more necessary changes have been made to reduce the earning power of Metabit production. While many players may not agree with decreasing the current Metabit production, we want to emphasize that the changes in this update are temporary. Cell to Singularity is over 4 years old and the current tuning is no longer in a state that can support future content. As a result, we are working towards step by step improvements with each update. In addition, by reducing the Metabit upgrades, our goal is to make glitches and upgrade boosts more impactful so they can be purchased at a more satisfying pace. Here is a list of changes made in this 2nd tuning iteration: [list] [*] Structured Metabit upgrade prices and positions to enhance player progression. [*] Mammal research node prices and multiplyer have been reduced. [*] Nanobot prices have increased. [*] Mammal upgrades have been reduced. [*] Ape research node multiplayer have been increased. [*] More details on the tuning calculations can be found here: [url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ntumFbhpy4j6gtybpnKGSBgtLirBmeHAQUsqVSNj8PM/edit?usp=sharing]link[/url] [/list] [h2]Reality Engine Notifier[/h2] Apart from tuning changes, we added some exciting new quality of life features. Players will now be able to know when they can afford the next Reality Engine upgrade with the introduction of the Reality Engine Notifier. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34010837/99c6b6da9fc68da31ed5a3ad0dc75c132975464e.png[/img] With the Reality Engine Notifier, the Reality Engine icon will show a UI change to signify when an upgrade is available. This should help players know when they have the option to reboot based on what they can afford. [h2]Save Restore[/h2] Another highly requested quality of life feature that we've added is the new Save Restore system. This feature allows users to access saves up to five days prior and can be accessed in the Settings menu. We receive a lot of reports from players about lost save files. We never want this to happen to anyone, and we already have backup save systems available along with the Game Transfer cloud save. However even with these systems in place, players still occasionally have save issues. This new Save Restore will back up your game locally once every 24 hours while the game is active. It will create up to 5 backup save files for each past 24 hour period. After 5 backups, it will overwrite the oldest backup. We hope this system will act as a fail safe in case your current save gets corrupted. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34010837/938eec149d4e1c0d61691ea95826bf1200c7fd83.png[/img] As a reminder to our players if you do lose your saves, please email our support at [b]lunch@computerlunch.com[/b] and we will help restore your save file. However these save files will not be quite the same as your personal save. We hope that this new Save Restore feature will prevent players from losing more than a day’s worth of playtime. As always, we really appreciate and value your continued support! Some of these iterations may not be glamorous, but your feedback is crucial for all retuning efforts. Thank you, and please let us know if you have any comments, questions or concerns. – The Cells Team