[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34010837/2d42776f7cfee166292ea5d12074a0b370b97808.png[/img] We have heard your feedback and concerns regarding the changes to the Metabit tuning. Starting from this build 18.12, there will be significant changes made to the Metabits production. The production rate of earned Metabits will be reduced immensely. As a result, we want to assure our players that the slowdown of Metabits production is not a bug; it is intentional and necessary. Cell to Singularity is 4 years old and we want to continue to grow the game for both new and current players. Over the course of the game’s lifetime, the current Main Simulation tuning was sufficient to allow users to finish the content in +2 weeks. We have a lot more content now so this does not align with our future plans. The implementation of the Giant Squid further emphasized the need to retune and balance the game as the Squid caused player progression to increase by 1000%. We want to continue to grow the game, as highlighted in our yearly roadmaps. Thus it is important for us to adjust and slow down the current tuning in order to accommodate newer content such as updates to Civilization, adding in astronomy and more. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34010837/33815370810f9cdb9ac5f355f0d3b178112b4e6d.png[/img] We realize that these changes will be difficult but we want to assure everyone that these changes are not final with this build release. We have 8 iterations, if not more, planned to ensure that the game’s tuning will reach a satisfactory and smooth experience. In addition, we want to release new upgrade types that will boost the Main Simulation based on your Mesozoic Valley and Beyond progression. We have received numerous feedback regarding this suggestion and we are happy to be implementing them. Thank you so much for your support as we take this necessary step for the refinement of Cell To Singularity. We look forward to hearing your continued feedback! – The Cells Team