Hello Universe Architects, The simulation has been (slightly) updated! We want to thank every Architect who participated in the James Webb Telescope Exploration event! Your timely research has greatly impressed the Cells team, and now we're even more excited to move on to the next Exploration. This update comes with a minor, but much needed improvement: [h2]Blues Begone[/h2] The Beyond button in the 'World Switcher' is now purple instead of blue. No more confusing it with the Main Simulation! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34010837/db4eb8f78c5326560e2a1ee92b3158b5d8788d0c.png[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34010837/3e9a320caaea024c04c08ff8be40bfa5e67c4069.png[/img] Let us know what you think of the new color! This update may not be much, but there will be plenty of room for growth in the upcoming event we have planned. Stay tuned, and stay cellular! ~Lunch