Hello Universe Architects, As you may already know, the simulation has received a major tuning update! To help these new mechanics perform their best, we're providing a followup support patch, as well as a quick overview of the recent Beyond tuneup. Here's what to look out for: [h1]Beautified Simulation Switcher[/h1] We heard your artistic input about the new Simulation Switcher! This button has since received a bit of a makeover, omitting the individual ranks at first glance. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34010837/d1d5e784b99fd9091ba15a15b9aa8bbc1d3a2d95.png[/img] [h1]Darwinium Bundles for New Players[/h1] We've resolved some issues that players were experiencing with the Darwinium bundle offers. Now new players can see special Darwinium bundles available for their first three days after downloading the game! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34010837/7314f46c17a2d0027350de3a366b62dbda426367.png[/img] We also want to address any confusion or concerns regarding the recent re-tune. This is the first tuning update since 10.38 (December 2021). Based on data from that version, our primary goals with this update were: - Spread out the time it takes to complete missions more evenly across each rank. - Spread out the celestial body cost and production to make each one feel more unique and powerful, especially later in the universe ranks. To achieve these goals we cranked up the difficulty of earlier missions in each universe rank (starting with Rank 5) and eased off the difficulty of the later missions. We also completely re-balanced all of the celestial bodies from Uranus out. This should help even out the pacing of all of the missions and make unlocking a new celestial body feel more substantial. It is worth noting though that if you were attempting to reach a goal like getting Alpha Centauri to rank 8, that would be significantly harder now. This was admittedly an oversight - the tuning was focused on making the mission progression better but did not account for personal goals and achievements. We’ll be looking into how to address that, perhaps by adjusting the requirements for the upper-level achievements. We hope we were able to further clarify the purpose for these drastic gameplay updates. If you have additional input or questions about this patch or the previous one, please leave a comment below! Thank you, Universe Architects! We look forward to hearing your feedback. Stay cellular, ~Lunch