Minor patch to address a few bugs. Specifically we had a number of reports of the Jupiter moons unlocking before their designated unlock mission. This same bug was related to those missions then reseting the purchased count for that moon. Apologies if you encountered this bug. Please use the bellow [b]redeem code[/b] for some free cubes on us. BEYOND2021 [h1]Patch notes V. 10.17[/h1] - Fixed bug where some moons were unlocked before completing their mission. - Fixed bug where a generator count would go back down to 1 after completing a mission. - Clicking on the civilization tree for Idea currency works again. - Premium bundles are removed after you purchase them - Add particles to blackhole portal - Supercharging a planet will work while viewing the solar system or constellation screen. - The Super charge galaxy graphic will now rotate the same way as the graphic on the tree.