A quick patch to fix bugs we missed during last week beyond launch. NOTE: For beta testers. We added a button in the options menu that allows player who were beta testing to reset their beyond progress. You will find it at the bottom of the options menu while in the Beyond. [h2]Patch notes V. 10.11[/h2] + Sound effects added to Universe rank up sequence, and star opening sequences. + Improved spacetime slider. You now how finer control over the space of the solar system model. + A player can only earn 2 Red Dwarf Stars in 4 hours + Fixed sun appearing through planets. + Bug: Starter bundle getting stuck at 00:00 and not switching to the next bundle. + Players now can access save transfer and redeem codes on the beyond + Added button in the options to reset the Beyond progress. This is for beta testers that want to reset their beyond progress. + Fix text going off the screen in the intro sequence on iPhone XL models. + Bug: Hard reset did not delete beyond progress. + Adjust premium dark matter payout + On mobile golden asteroids boost correctly payout out 4X amount.