[h3]Dear Cellular Cadets, [/h3] [h3]Your assistance is requested.... [/h3] We have a fresh Mammal Kingdom update ready for release ( version 7.19) , however we need some eyeballs on the patch before we can release it to all the players. Please have a look at the beta, make sure everything is works. Let us know if you find anything game breaking. The Cells dev team and I have been testing the new update all day and it looks good and stable to us, however we want to get a little more testing. I think someone once said [i]"Better safe then sorry!"[/i] [h3]What is in the BETA?[/h3] -Fixed bug showing 6 available items in the life notification tab. -Fixed Issue Tree line connections were not displaying after buying a item. -Added 2 NEW reality engine speed simulation upgrades and reduce cost on overdrive boost upgrades. -Kangaroo and Koala texture updated. -Added Beaver animation -Adjusted land masses in the land garden. -Reduced over all memory allocation. This should help prevent the game from crashing on old mobile devices. -Added button to Skip Open Geode After the first dino prestige. -Get ready for the photo contest. The Camera mode allow for more angle rotation to get the perfect shot. This feature does clip though the world, but we want to give photographs more control of their shooting. -Reboot button popup, now displays the amount of speed simulation increase you will get after rebooting. - New Reality Engine upgrades --- Thermal Equalizer 6.67E+10 Simulation Speed 200% more efficient --- Void Accelerator 2.51E+12 Simulation Speed 250% more efficient If you're in USA Happy Thanksgiving , if not well stay cellular. ~Lunch [h3]How to join our open beta?[/h3] 1 Right click on Cells and click properties 2. Switch to beta tab and select the Beta branch. 3. You might need to restart steam for the beta to download. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34010837/4f9252a909a920b0054b8e867c25abf3780c6a59.png[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34010837/76e347a63a179212dbf2741e776244877b8a9517.png[/img]