Hello! Thanks to all of the players that helped us test the latest beta. The game's never been more stable! Now, as the title said, we need more testing done before we can set the build live. So if you're interested, keep reading on! [b]WARNING: Please backup your saves before you switch to the beta branch, as there have been instances of people's saves getting wiped.[/b] The save file location is [i]C:\Users\\AppData\LocalLow\Computer Lunch[/i]. Copy [i]savedGames.gd[/i] and [i]savedGames2.gd[/i]. Replace them in the same location if you have problems with your save after switching to the beta. [b]How to access the Steam Beta:[/b] 1. Right click the game in your Steam library and click on [b]Properties[/b]: [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/34010837/280c903db29c73a90aaebcb4e47922038ba910b5.png[/img] 2. Click on the [b]“Betas” tab[/b]: [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/34010837/e3e60890ac93fb543937067990585a7b5c058358.png[/img] 3. Click on the dropdown menu and select [b]“beta - Public Beta”[/b]: [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/34010837/b473c0ffb81fc8df1d013b5156cda022e60c5348.png[/img] That’s it! The game should update automatically and have [b][beta][/b] its title on the sidebar. If you find some bugs, the best place to alert us is in our official Discord: [url=https://www.discord.gg/celltosingularity]https://www.discord.gg/celltosingularity[/url]. Fill out the Beta Tester role form so that you can gain access to the #beta channel! Stay cellular, Lunch