[h1]Aaaaand... "The Long Necks" Results Are In![/h1] This match couldn’t have been MORE neck and neck! While the Brachiosaurus fans put up a great fight, the Argentinosaurus claims its victory! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34010837/26b83aeb29f0b4e78f77a1c8ab35f5bf61fa5add.jpg[/img] [h1]POLL RESULTS[/h1] [b]REDDIT: [/b]242 votes Brachiosaurus: 111 Argentinosaurus: 131 [b]FACEBOOK:[/b] 504 votes Brachiosaurus: 235 Argentinosaurus: 269 [b]INSTAGRAM:[/b] 937 votes Brachiosaurus: 439 Argentinosaurus: 498 [b]TWITTER:[/b] 262 votes Brachiosaurus: 158 Argentinosaurus: 104 [b]STEAM:[/b] 47 Brachiosaurus: 31 Argentinosaurus: 16 [b]TOTAL:[/b] 1,992 Brachiosaurus: 974 Argentinosaurus: 1,018 Don’t let this discourage you though, Brachiosaurus brothers- there are so many more dynamo dinos to put your vote behind! Stay tuned for the “PECULIAR BOIS” match coming up this Thursday! This is Archie Archosaur bidding you good day! --- [h1]Welcome to Mesozoic Mania: The Dinosaur Popularity Contest![/h1] Give it up for your host,[b] Archie Archosaur![/b] Time for a rundown of this larger-than-life matchup: It’s not a “stretch” to imagine our first match-up, folks! Give it up for [b]The Longnecks[/b]! Who will win? “Sir Smiles-A-Lot” [b]BRACHIOSAURUS[/b] vs. “Gigundous the Great” [b]ARGENTINOSAURUS[/b]? You decide! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34010837/d39406ce719f720171e08c576d5edddfd3b71eda.jpg[/img] [h1]How do I vote?[/h1] Comment your favorite choice below! More info is also available on our [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/CellToSingularity/comments/g4tnrv/mesozoic_mania_match_1_the_long_necks/]contest page[/url] !! Each poll is only open for [b]24 HOURS[/b], so vote now before you lose your chance with these big boys! Want to follow up with your favorite dinosaurs? Keep an eye on our bracket for these upcoming matches! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34010837/f4fb93327aab703e3fb56049699403741a3f4be1.jpg[/img]