There are reports of save file being erased after the recent Steam Client update (Monday Dec 21st 11AM). It seems to be mostly happening to MAC players. [b]UPDATE 22/20 1pm:[/b] It appears Steam Cloud saves are having issue on Mac. A number of other games are experiencing the same issue. Please contact us if you have been affected [b]UPDATE 26/20:[/b] It looks like many Mac players have been effected by this issue. We are working to create replacement saves for any player that lost progress. Please to not hesitate to contact us at so that we can help restore your progress. If this has happened to your save progress here are two options. [h2]A. Use a backup save from the save folder[/h2] [h3]Try this first.[/h3] There should be a local backup of the save data in: [user]/Library/Application Support/com.computerlunchllc.cells Make sure the game's closed, then copy all the contents from that folder into: [user]/Library/Application Support/Computer Lunch/Cell to Singularity Overwrite any existing files. Restart the game and you should see your data restored. Note: "Library" is a hidden folder you will need to show this folder. [url=,using%20the%20same%20keyboard%20shortcut.]How to Show hidden folders on Mac[/url] [h3]If that fail, look for restore files[/h3] If you do not see the "com.computerlunchllc.cells" folder check if you have restore files in the main save file folder [user]/Library/Application Support/Computer Lunch/Cell to Singularity. Cells creates back up of your save file as you play. Hopefully you can use that to get you progress back. Here is where to find the back up save file and how to replace it. 1. Make sure the game is closed. NOTE: Before you start it might be a good idea to make a duplicate copy of the save folder in case you make a mistake. 2. Navigate to the save folder. On Mac it should be: User > [Your user] /Library [hidden]/Application Support/Computer Lunch/Cell to Singularity/ [url=][img][/img][/url] You should see six files: [url=][img][/img][/url] 3. Move any files that don't end with ".restore" out of the save folder 4. Remove ".restore" from the remaining file's names. You should now have the following files remaining in the folder: 5. Restart the game [h2]B. Contact Cells Support[/h2] We will help create you a new save that is close to where your progress left off. Send us a email at , let us know that you are playing on steam and you save file was erased. If you have more details or have questions please leave them in the comments. - lunch