Greetings Universe Architects, We have an exciting new update to kick off the New Year. [h2]News Feature[/h2] We are thrilled to announce a new feature that's been widely requested, it's our in-game news announcement. Whether or not you’re following us on Discord, Instagram, Reddit, or elsewhere, tap on the news icon to read about the latest in-game updates, information on events, community spotlights, development diaries, and much more! [img][/img] [h2]Clean Endings for Explore Events[/h2] We've changed how Explore Events conclude in the game. Previously, when an event (ex:- James Webb) was over, players could continue playing the event for as long as they did not exit the simulation. However, this was confusing for players and created issues for the research race. Starting with build v22.93, Explore Events will close at the time scheduled in the game. When the time is up, it’s up! Make sure to claim all your mission prizes before the deadline. They will no longer be available after the event ends. [img][/img] This patch might be small but we have big things coming soon on the horizon. Players should keep an eye out in our socials and the in-game news feature. See you in the news feed. Stay cellular! - The Cells Team