[h2]What causes almost all life on Earth to suddenly vanish? Explore the five biggest mass extinctions of the past. Then ponder: Could it happen again? Who or what will survive?[/h2] [h3]Brace yourselves for dangerous fun, Universe Architects. Our newest Exploration has just collided with the simulation: Life After Apocalypse![/h3] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34010837/0da8a9c93e5c93338d32f473387d77b89dd2e925.png[/img] From [b]September 14th-21st[/b] at [b]12:00 PM EST[/b], venture into the terrifying world of mass extinction and learn about past life before it disappeared forever. With everything we know now, what potential disasters lie ahead for humankind...? [h1]Meet the 6 Mass Extinctions[/h1] From the ultimate Ice Age to the endless possibilities of Earth's final demise, extinction truly never ends. Unlock and learn about the mass extinctions that have plagued our world, including: [list] [*] The volcanic Permian Extinction! [*] The infamous Cretaceous Extinction! [*] An extinction that we're living in right now, and more! [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34010837/dacf2f903c95079af788440e47d45308e33b44d3.png[/img] [h1]Earth-Shattering Changes[/h1] How has Earth evolved over millions of years? Watch as you catastrophically alter the new Exploration Garden! Follow Earth's drastic changes with over 10 scientifically accurate geographical maps that cover the major eras of Earth's history. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34010837/3cce48259ee215ccce352b28ca5e424c69c14fa0.gif[/img] [h1]Reset Your Progress... in a Whole New Way[/h1] Expand the possibilities of gameplay through annihilation. Toy with the new reset mechanic by only unlocking one generator at a time... then wiping out your production with each mass extinction! Strategize your way to completion as you balance prosperity and progress. [list] [*] Collect as much as you can of one generator before triggering its Extinction Event. Afterwards, it won't be available for purchase again! [*] Unlock individual currencies for each era you discover! [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34010837/0afc36ee8e31b34ffbdc661fb686f27c4c44a350.jpg[/img] [h1]Stack 'Em Up![/h1] Speed your way through any Exploration with badges! For each badge you collect during Exploration reruns, that Exploration speed will increase by +10%! Want to finish [i]Unfold The Universe Exploration[/i] at warp speed? No problem with a 4X (or +40%) "Christmas Launch" badge prestige. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34010837/3a6b4c791d5f0afefcf3e88f226592fafc5d54db.png[/img] [h1]An Ancestral Currency[/h1] It all starts with LUCA: our Last Universal Common Ancestor. Utilizing DNA, you and LUCA will link together 7 new currencies in the form of species! Collect Trilobites before the Ordovician Extinction hits, and find your way to a futuristic currency in a speculative period after human extinction. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34010837/3f5fe7c8ccfb48056b17acdbd858c4b5ef3f71df.gif[/img] [b]Other Apocalyptic Features:[/b] + Nanobots have joined Explorations! Utilize them to progress through limited-time content. + Browse new cosmetics and Artifacts that line the Logit Store shelves. + Ooo, shiny! Logits are now adorned with a golden finish. + A badge description scrollbar has been added! Check the prestige boosts you get from each badge with ease. + Awoo! Wolves rejoice- the Moon is visible again! + [i]Fix:[/i] Leftover Mutagen no longer disappears at the end of a new Mesozoic Valley rank. + [i]Fix:[/i] The Mars New Life sequence now shows the correct generator item from the Mars Garden. + [i]Fix:[/i] Philosophy trophy now says 'Trophy Unlocked'. + Additional minor bug fixes. [h3]Run for your lives! This Exploration will cease to exist on September 21st at 12:00 PM EST![/h3] We wish you the best survival odds, and remember-- [b]don't panic!![/b] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34010837/4ac5b4a105961bd9bb2ecae1f0d8a4bbfb9fcdab.gif[/img] Keep calm and stay cellular, ~The Cells Team